Meet the Team

  • Professor Tony Buzan
    Editor in Chief
    Professor Tony Buzan is the author of 140 plus books translated onto over 30 languages on thinking, genius and the brain; he is one of the world's most effective public speakers, and has acted as Dean of the Renaissance Academies of Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein and President of Vicente Fox of Mexico.
  • Raymond Keene OBE
    Executive Director
    MA Trinity College Cambridge; Officer of British Empire, awarded by HM The Queen in person. Britain’s senior International chess Grandmaster, former British chess champion and Gold medallist in European Championship, writes every day in The Times. Ray has also written the world record 199 books (translated into 13 languages) on Chess, Mind Sports, Genius, Mental World Records, Art and Thinking, and has won numerous first prizes in international chess tournaments across five continents.
  • Marek Kasperski
    Online Editor
    Marek Kasperski lecturers in both Multimedia and e-Marketing (Bachelor of Business). As online editor, Marek maintains the Synapsia website.
  • Dr Manahel Thabet
    Editor for Gifted, Talented & High IQ
    Dr. Manahel Thabet achieves the unique academic feat of getting 3rd PhD, being the only muslim female to do so. The Yemeni origin Muslim Scientist with an IQ of 168, stands as not just the youngest, but the only Arab to earn a PhD degree in Financial Engineering. Was recently named “Genius of the Year” (representing Asia) by The World Genius Directory. Dr. Thabet is the president of the high IQ society, I-Question, and vice-president of the World Intelligence Network (WIN).
  • Julian Simpole
    Past Editor
    IJulian Simpole is former Editor and Artistic Director of Synapsia magazine. Julian, an art prodigy from pre-teenage years when he
    attracted vast crowds with public demonstrations of his drawing prowess, has had one man shows in Brighton and London. Having majored in Book Design, he went on to become a Guest Lecturer at the Brighton
    College of Art. His work in particular explores the themes of fantasy and the grotesque.
  • Professor Michael Crawford
    Editor for Brain Research
    Information to be uploaded shortly.
  • Dominic O'Brien
    (World Memory Champion)
    Memory Column

    Dominic O'Brien is Eight Times winner of the World Memory Championships and has achieved many world records in memory. As well as a best-selling author Dominic was named Brain of the Year by the Brain Trust of Great Britain.The Grand Master of Memory award was presented to him by Prince Philippe of Liechtenstein. He co-founded the World Schools Memory Championships in 2008 with Raymond Keene OBE and inventor of Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan.
  • Lorraine Gill
    Art & Perspective
    Lorraine Gill has lived, studied and painted in Spain, England, France, Italy and Australia. Lorraine has also been the subject of chapters in two books devoted to exceptional women, has had a television documentary of her life and work produced by the BBC, and appeared with Henry Moore in a feature one-hour BBC television documentary on the work of Cezanne. .